10 top cyber security newsletters to subscribe to right now


Executive Summary:

Newsletters are a format that has started to flourish. With more great things to read out there than ever before, how can you decide which newsletters to subscribe to, and provide valuable access to your inbox in exchange for thoughtful, professional, value-added content?

The best cyber newsletters offer smart, curated stories, unrivaled access to the brightest minds in tech, and help ensure you’re never left behind in the conversation.

We’ve made it simple – you’ll never have to wade through an endless list of blogs or get peer recommendations again. If you’re a CISO, IT manager, or technology leader, these are the best cybersecurity-focused newsletters for you.

Top 10 Cyber ​​Security Newsletters

1. SANS newsletters. The SANS Institute is a globally recognized and trusted organization that provides cybersecurity training, certification and research. Get thousands of free resources on top cybersecurity issues from renowned experts. Learn more Here.

2. Newsletters sponsored by CISA. The National Council of State Interoperability Coordinators’ (NCSWIC) monthly bulletins and quarterly SAFECOM bulletins offer insight into new initiatives, CISA updates, and public safety interoperability information. Details here.

3. Level C Cyber ​​Talk newsletter. If you are looking for a C level newsletter, look no further than the Cyber ​​Talk newsletter. You can leverage Cyber ​​Talk’s customized content to stay ahead of the latest cyber threats. You’ll also lead with ideas that go beyond the basics, bringing a strong executive-level security voice to your brand. Register here.

4. API Security Newsletter. In this dedicated resource, explore critical aspects of application programming interface (API) security. Get regular updates, insights and best practices regarding secure APIs in today’s landscape. This newsletter is a valuable resource for security professionals, developers, and organizations seeking to secure APIs. Sign up Here.

5. The Center for Internet Security (CIS) newsletter. This newsletter focuses on cyber preparedness and resilience. Insights tend to cover configuration guidelines, best practices, incident response, compliance, and governance, among others. Sign up Here.

6. AWS Security Digest. This is a comprehensive newsletter tailored specifically for those who want AWS-related security information. Get monthly updates and insights on the latest security features, best practices, and tools within the AWS ecosystem. Ensure the highest level of security for AWS infrastructure. Sign up Here.

7. MITER 360 Newsletter This monthly newsletter is built on insights from the MITER ATT&CK organization, the globally accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques, as gleaned from real-world observations. Sign up Here.

8. If you are interested in the deep technical aspects of cyber threats, Cyber ​​intelligence reports They are for you. Get technical insights that lead to a deeper understanding of current and future technology trends. The research in these newsletters is sponsored by Check Point Software Technologies.

9. Security paper. The site may look dated, but the content is not. Dubbed a “security guru” by The Economist, Bruce Schneier has been writing about cyber security since the late 1980s. In addition, he is a Harvard Fellow, a board member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Chief Security Architect of Inrupt. Newsletters are bi-monthly. Here.

10. Cyber ​​Security Weekly from Politico: Explore international developments regarding cyber attack strategies, learn about international guidelines and safeguards, see how governments are using surveillance tools, and break down the latest ‘gray war’ developments. get information.

Additional thoughts

Cyber ​​security bulletins serve as valuable resources for individuals and organizations alike. Industry insights, timely threat alerts, best practices and expert perspectives can foster community engagement and contribute significantly to creating a safer online environment. For anyone who wants to stay informed and proactive in an age of constantly evolving threats, subscribing to reputable security newsletters should be a top priority.

Sign up for the CyberTalk.org newsletter here.
