Top 7 cybersecurity Layers An Entrepreneur Should Focus On


The cyber security layers that an entrepreneur needs to focus on

Let’s start with an incident with Mr. John Owen Brennan, Former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). One bright morning in 2015, Mr. Brennan revealed that his personal email account had been hacked and a tweet containing sensitive personal information of more than 20 CIA personnel was openly available online. The information was also published on WikiLeaks. What’s more interesting is that the hacker who did all this social engineering to do something of this magnitude, claimed he was just a high school student!

Now, as an entrepreneur, you may be wondering if the CIA chief’s personal email is unsafe, what’s your bet? Well, information security is not something you have to gamble with. Sad as it may sound, Cyber ​​security is still something that most of us take casually even in this digital age. However, maintaining a minimum level of safety in this regard can provide you with maximum benefit.

So, let’s look at some very common security layers that every entrepreneur or decision maker needs to understand The cyber security layers that an entrepreneur needs to focus on to strengthen all of an organization’s cyber security. These practices are easy to deploy but have a huge impact on overall cyber security.

7 layers of cyber security that an entrepreneur needs to focus on

Let’s first look at the top seven layers of cyber security, and then detailed discussions.

  • Passwords
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Data backup and access management
  • Physical property security
  • Wireless security
  • Email Security
  • Investment in cyber security software

The first layer of all the cyber security layers that an entrepreneur should focus on should definitely be the passwords. The thing with passwords is simple, update them regularly, keep them secret and never share them with even the person you trust the most!

When it comes to passwords, using a different combination of uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols creates the most powerful combination. Also, do not cross-use the password, different accounts must have different passwords. Passwords that contain a name, organization name, e-mail, etc. should also be avoided. Overall, regular awareness programs should be adopted to select and update strong passwords among employees to strengthen the cyber security layer.

  • Two-factor authentication

After passwords, the most important layer to implement and focus on should be two-factor authentication or 2FA service.

Even the most powerful passwords can be cracked. So it’s always great to get an extra layer of protection, here in the form of 2FA. This process ensures that the account can not be accessed with just a single password, but that it requires multiple verifications before the user is transferred. In this method after giving the password, further verification is needed. This second verification may be via email, a text message to an employee’s registered number, a small verification device or an application such as Google Authenticator. So even with a password hacked, the intruder can not harm unless the second authentication method is compromised, which is very unlikely. In addition, advanced authentication methods like face recognition, fingerprint, voice sound etc. also improve rapidly over time.

  • Data backup and access management

In this digital world data is the most precious thing for any person or organization. Ensuring data retention Brings critical data loss prevention. And baking sensitive data in multiple places, if possible both physically and in the cloud is among the leading cyber security layers an entrepreneur should focus on.

With data security comes the issue of access management. There will be different types of employees in the organization with different responsibilities. Undoubtedly, not everyone requires the same level of access to company data. Failure to manage this access level may result in unwanted data leaks from unwanted sources.

  • Physical property security

    Security of the place

    Are you putting out enough measures to ensure the security of the place?

Maintaining digital security over-focus often catches many business owners unprepared with securing their physical assets. However, this very important layer of cyber security should also consider the protection of physical properties.

An old hard drive or flash drive may not be properly drained and data may leak away, an official laptop with a weak password or no password may be stolen from a coffee shop or snatched from the road. Even when in the office, it only takes a moment for a burglar to do damage to an unprotected and unattended computer.

To ensure this cyber security layer, employee training is essential, they need to be aware of all possible scenarios and losses. They should be very careful about using official devices, especially off-road. Before disposing of hard drives or old flash drives, delete them completely. Also, the drives that are currently in use should be encrypted so that even if it is in the wrong hand, no damage can be caused.

The wireless internet that your company uses to do all the business can also pose a threat to cyber security if left unchecked. Because the wifi signal is not limited to office space, a weakly secured wireless network can be easily hacked and a hacker can connect to it remotely. A wireless network is an ideal channel for sending and receiving data. Once wireless security is compromised, it’s usually a child’s play for a hacker to steal sensitive official information and harm the organization.

If there is only one cyber security layer that an entrepreneur decides to focus on, it should be email security. Email accounts should be protected at all costs. To certain. Because the hacker can simply request a link to reset a password and set a new password using the hacked email.

To stay safe, employee awareness is a must. They should be trained to identify and avoid clicking on suspicious links that may contain phishing links or viruses. also Modern cyber security product with email security Can be essential in this regard.

  • Cyber ​​security software

    Investment in cyber security

    Invest in cyber security before any unfortunate incident

Every business has different types of expenses and operating costs. To ensure a cyber security environment, there can be no better investment than investing in a modern cyber security solution. Most antivirus software can help keep e-mail accounts and other sensitive information safe. But modern cyber security software brings more features like blacklists and whitelists, employee monitoring, mobile security, internet security and so on. To do this, REVE antivirus Can be a great choice.

We live in such an age where any business can be hacked, data can be stolen. And without maintaining the proper layers of security, it’s not a question of how but when. These are our images for the top 7 layers of cyber security that an entrepreneur needs to focus on to strengthen the company’s cyber security. Tell us your thoughts in the comments section.
