DDoS Protection is Plagued with Vulnerabilities


As we approach the halfway point of 2023, we can now state that the second quarter has seen a record number of DDoS attacks, across almost every branch and industry. From banks and governments to telecoms and shipping, many organizations have been targeted and the number of successful DDoS attacks that have caused severe downtime is alarming. DDoS attackers understand that even the best DDoS defenses can be bypassed, relatively easily.

Even top security providers like Check Point were targeted, with a successful attack taking their site down for over an hour. Leading global organizations such as airlines and even UPS were also taken offline, leaving their customers helpless and disappointed.

These successful DDoS attacks come at a high price, and in some cases it can be done assess the immediate financial damage caused by the attack. Reputational damage is also a key factor in understanding the true damage of a successful DDoS attack.

We can look at the case of LG Uplus, the leading Korean telecom that suffered a significant financial loss due to a shutdown in February; A few weeks ago, LG Uplus was ordered to pay nearly $30 million to more than 4 million retail customers and small business owners following major DDoS attacks that took them offline. This is in addition to the initial loss of approximately 4 million dollars, according to conservative calculations made using several online damage calculators.

Why DDoS Attacks so successful?

Ultimately, no matter what DDoS protection an organization uses for its online services, the bottom line is consistent: misconfiguring DDoS protection leads to vulnerabilities, which leave you vulnerable to a damaging attack. Currently, most organizations have no way to detect DDoS breaches because they have no way to perform DDoS checks do not interferewhich is the only known method for detecting such vulnerabilities.

Traditional DDoS protection is reactive. Offensive tests done every quarter or every two years by red teams provide only partial results while harming the client’s activity. Even with the best DDoS protection solution in place, any organization suffers from up to 75% exposure to their online services. Without non-disruptive DDoS testing, DDoS security teams are blind, missing critical insights.

The response of DDoS protection membership

It is important to understand that most DDoS protection companies are very aware of the situation, but do not have the ability to resolve it. So, naturally, they would advise their customers to buy more, but buy more of what? While browsing their websites, watching their product videos and meeting them at conferences and events, you will hear about new DDoS protection solutions including AI, machine learning tools, bot detection, behavioral detection, < 0 SLA and much more.

But the question remains: Will any of these developments and solutions help your organization?

Well, most likely… no, as even with the most advanced tools and solutions, DDoS protection companies can only test and expose the vulnerabilities they are aware of, but they Can’t reveal hidden vulnerabilities and perform continuous and non-disruptive DDoS testing. Thus, their solutions are misconfigured for their customers’ online services, and customers—that is, you—have no insight into their true level of vulnerability.

Airlines, banks, UPS, the Israeli government (including their intelligence agency, the Mossad), and Check Point – all of these organizations have the best DDoS protection, but their services and websites were still quickly destroyed by relatively simple DDoS attacks.

Should I buy more? DDoS protation?

While your DDoS protection provider will probably tell you that you must upgrade your services to stay current protected as possible, the reality is that it is not worth buying more protection services and tools. Not immediately, anyway. First, you must identify and eliminate any existing vulnerabilities in your current security.

The reason is very simple – every layer of protection or new device you add will have the same old vulnerabilities. Only after eliminating your DDoS vulnerabilities will you be safe, because zero vulnerabilities means zero harmful DDoS attacks.

Some weak points to do My online services have?

It’s impossible to make a wild guess without performing a thorough examination of the security of each organization’s online services, but based on years of research and experience in DDoS security, we’re very confident in telling you that your organization probably has hundreds or thousands of vulnerabilities.

Organizations operate under a false sense of security, thinking they are protected, not understanding their average Vulnerability is around 37% in every layer of their DDoS protection.

Unless your organization runs continuous, non-disruptive DDoS testing, you won’t know where these vulnerabilities are, how to uncover them, how to fix them, and how to verify the fixes.

What is the conclusion?

There is no need to feel despair, because as simple as the problem is, so is the solution. The simple conclusion is that zero vulnerabilities means zero harmful DDoS attacks. Now that you’ve read this article and realized that your organization is likely extremely vulnerable to a damaging DDoS attack, you should start identifying and patching any vulnerabilities today.

Using non-disruptive DDoS testing will allow you to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in scrub center defenses, CPE defenses, WAF defenses, and cloud (Azure/AWS/Google) defenses. If you would like to consult with one of our DDoS experts about your security posture, solutions and online services, you can Schedule a call here.

In the meantime, keep your chin up and remember that zero equals zero; No vulnerability, no downtime. You can solve your critical DDoS security challenge with a few simple, proactive steps, and even maximize the ROI on your existing DDoS protection while increasing its effectiveness. So, take the proactive approach and strengthen your DDoS resilience today.

