AusPayNet, A New Principal Participating Organization

Welcome to AusPayNet, a new Principal Participating Organization (PPO) in the PCI Security Standards Council! In this special spotlight edition of our PCI Perspectives blog, AusPayNet CEO Andy White introduces us to his company and how they are helping to shape the future of payments security.

Tell us about your company.

AusPayNet is the industry association and self-regulatory body for the Australian payments industry. We manage and develop standards and guidelines that govern payments in Australia. Our goal is to create trust in payments by setting enforceable industry standards for a safe, reliable and efficient payment system; leading payments transformation to drive efficiency, innovation and choice; and be the home for ecosystem collaboration and strategic insight. AusPayNet currently has more than 150 members, including financial institutions, payment system operators, major retailers and financial technology companies.

Why did your company decide to become a Lead Participating Organization?

We saw the opportunity to participate in the Roadmap Roundtable Group (RRG) and the Technology Guidance Group (TGG), as well as the Board of Advisors (BoA). We have been members of the Board of Advisors for some time and see this – and now our involvement in RRG and TGG – as providing us with the ability to shape the future of payments, and their security. On behalf of the Australian payments system, we see this engagement as really important in creating trust in payments.

What benefits are you most looking forward to as a participating primary organization?

We look forward to being able to participate in the RRG and TGG, as well as the Advisory Board. At the RRG, we will help drive the development of PCI SSC standards and programs by shaping their direction, help influence PCI SSC’s overall strategic direction, and provide input on PCI SSC’s strategic initiatives. At TGG we can provide proactive technical input on PCI SSC standards and plans, and on PCI standards during the drafting process. This way we can help shape the road map of future standards and the standards themselves, and vote for the approval of new standards and major standard amendments. It will be based on the future of payments and their security.

Why is it important for companies to be more involved with the PCI Security Standards Council, especially at the participating lead organization level?

The PCI Security Standards Council’s mission is to improve global payment security. This is a lofty goal, and given PCI SSC’s global role, it needs input from institutions that are global or can represent specific regions. This is truly an opportunity to help drive the future of payment card security.

What are some payment security topics you are interested in collaborating on?

The main issue in which we are interested in cooperating is the need to ensure the current (cyber) security and robustness of the payment system through the migration of global card payments to the Advanced Encryption Standard prepared after a quantum computer. This will really drive the future of payment card security.

Learn more about joining as a Participating Primary Organization
