Colliding with the Future: The Disruptive Force of Generative AI in B2B Software


Over the past few months, our collective fascination with AI has reached unprecedented heights, leading to an influx of information and debate about its potential implications. It seems that everywhere we turn, artificial intelligence dominates the conversation. Artificial intelligence has captured the imagination of technology enthusiasts, researchers and ordinary people alike.

At the age of 11, I got my first computer, the legendary ZX Spectrum. Looking back, it’s hard to believe how much has changed since then. A few years later I eagerly built my own 286 computer, a proud achievement that fueled my passion for technology and software engineering.

These early experiences left an indelible mark on me, instilling in me a sense of excitement and curiosity that has lasted to this day. It is this same enthusiasm that fills me now as I delve into the fascinating realms of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).

These first experiences felt like a tectonic shift in my life. Now, as we embrace the age of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), it’s a similar feeling, but instead of a tectonic shift, it feels like an asteroid crashing into our planet, reshaping everything we know.

Is artificial intelligence a disruptive platform transition in line with the transition from on-premises to the cloud?

The move to the cloud in the early 2000s was a monumental shift for companies across industries. It marked a transformative departure from traditional on-premise infrastructure, giving businesses the opportunity to leverage remote servers, scalable resources and on-demand services.

This change has not only revolutionized the way organizations operate but has also opened up enormous potential for agility, cost savings and innovation. Companies have been able to break free from the limitations of physical hardware, reduce upfront capital expenditures and adopt a flexible and scalable approach to their IT needs.

The move to the cloud has empowered businesses to focus on their core competencies, while leaving the heavy lifting of infrastructure management to cloud service providers. Ultimately, this change paved the way for a new era of digital transformation, allowing companies to adapt, evolve and thrive in an increasingly connected world.

Migrating applications to run in the cloud often involves extensive rewriting to optimize them for the cloud environment. This involves re-imagining the application’s architecture, infrastructure and dependencies. By adopting cloud-native principles, such as scalability, flexibility and distributed computing, the application can fully leverage the benefits of the cloud.

The rewrite typically involves redesigning components, leveraging cloud-specific services, and adopting new development frameworks. This process ensures that the application is well-suited for a cloud deployment, allowing it to take advantage of the inherent scalability, resiliency, and cost savings that the cloud offers. I know this all too well as I have led seven major cloud native transformations.

Will organizations experience a similar transformation when harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI)?

SaaS providers are better positioned to adopt AI, which reduces the impact compared to moving from on-premises software to the cloud. Here are some reasons for this:

  1. There’s no doubt that Chat GPT was the iPhone moment for artificial intelligence (AI), but AI is, of course, not new. Deep learning has been advancing steadily over the past decade, and artificial intelligence has been widely used in a wide variety of consumer applications. So AI has been on the agenda of SaaS leaders for some time.
  2. Integrating AI features into existing systems no longer requires a complete rebuild. About three years ago, the process of adding AI capabilities became significantly more accessible, as several open API calls, such as using the GPT-3 API, could enable integration.
  3. Today, there is a thriving ecosystem of developer tools, empowering SaaS companies to effectively harness the potential of language models (LLMs). Using artificial intelligence does not imply discarding everything that exists; Instead, it opens doors to augment and enhance existing systems with powerful AI functionality.
  4. Using simple API calls, Generative AI enables B2B software platforms to offer personalized experiences to users. By analyzing user behavior and preferences, AI models can create tailored recommendations, offering relevant products, services or content to improve user engagement and satisfaction.
  5. Generative AI models excel at language-related tasks, enabling B2B software companies to offer translation and localization services. These models can create translations automatically, adapt content to specific languages ​​or cultural contexts, and streamline the localization process.
  6. Content creation: Generative AI models like GPT-3 have the ability to produce high quality and coherent written content, making it valuable for content creation in B2B software companies. They can automate the production of articles, product descriptions, customer support responses and marketing materials.
  7. Data Augmentation: Generative AI can be used to augment and extend datasets in B2B software development. This can produce synthetic data that resembles real-world examples, helping to improve the performance and robustness of machine learning models.
  8. Intelligent virtual assistants: B2B software vendors are leveraging Generative AI to develop virtual assistants or intelligent chatbots that can understand natural language, interact with users, provide customer support, and perform tasks such as scheduling meetings or retrieving information.
  9. Design and Creativity: Generative AI can be used in B2B software companies to assist in design processes. For example, it can create unique and visually appealing graphics, design patterns, or user interface layouts, speed up prototyping, and improve overall product aesthetics.
  10. Fraud detection and security: Generative artificial intelligence can help detect anomalies and patterns in large data sets, allowing B2B software companies to strengthen fraud detection and security systems. Artificial intelligence models can identify fraudulent activities, unusual user behavior or potential security breaches, enabling timely intervention.

These examples highlight how Generative AI is disrupting various aspects of B2B software, revolutionizing content creation, data augmentation, virtual assistance, design, personalization, fraud detection, and language-related tasks. Its potential to transform the B2B software landscape is enormous, opening new opportunities for innovation, efficiency and improved user experiences.

In the face of an asteroid impact, only the most adaptive species will survive. Generative AI presents a transformative event for B2B software, akin to an asteroid collision. However, unlike the fate of many local software companies during the 2000s, today’s SaaS leaders are not doomed. Their survival depends on their ability to quickly adapt to this new paradigm and leverage its vast capabilities.
