The Fascinating History of Cyber Security You Never Knew


Contributed by George Mack, Director of Content Marketing, Check Point Software

Cyber ​​security has evolved significantly over the years. Much of it can be attributed to the constant cat and mouse game between hackers and cyber security vendors. Every time threat actors developed a new and insidious cyberattack, security researchers had to innovate to stay one step ahead.

However, what does the evolution of cyber security look like? What was the first cyber threat? Who invented the first antivirus detection system?

Understanding the history of cybersecurity is essential in navigating today’s ever-evolving landscape. By understanding the origins and milestones of our industry, we gain valuable insights into the motivations, techniques and patterns of threat actors. Furthermore, understanding the evolution of cyber security helps us appreciate the incredible progress that has been made in our field over the years.

In this article, we’ll explore the early beginnings of cybersecurity and the notable milestones that shaped the industry into what it is today. While many attribute the birth of cybersecurity to the 1970s, its true history goes back even further.

1940s: The Computer Virus Theory

In the 1940s, with the invention of the first digital computer, the idea of ​​computer viruses was first raised. Computer pioneer John von Neumann proposed the idea of ​​computer programs that could replicate, and introduced the concept of computer viruses. However, cyber threats did not exist because only a few people had access to these large electronic machines.

1950s: A phone call

The 1950s witnessed the emergence of “phone calls”, which involved hijacking protocols to make free calls. Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs were prominent members of the cell phone community. This practice continued until the 1980s, and it laid the foundation for hacking culture.

The 1960s: the era of mainframe computing

The 1960s marked the era of mainframe computing, with limited access to large computers. However, some people started researching hacking out of curiosity and the desire to make systems more efficient. In 1967, IBM invited school children to test their new computer, and these students took the opportunity to explore accessible parts of the system. This resulted in the company correcting the weaknesses and developing a defensive mindset, known today as ethical hacking.

1970s: The first ever computer worm and antivirus

In the 1970s, computer worms were born and created the first antivirus software. The ARPANET research project gave birth to the Creeper computer program, the first self-replicating program or computer worm. In response, Ray Tomlinson invented Reaper, the first antivirus software, to hunt down and delete creepers.

The 1980s: the birth of the Internet

In the 1980s, the Internet was born, which connected different computer networks using the revolutionary TCP/IP protocol. This new protocol made it possible to connect all networks using a universal language. This era also witnessed the release of the first computer viruses, such as the brain virus and the birth of commercial antivirus software. The Morris worm, which was distributed over the Internet, resulted in the first criminal conviction under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, marking a significant milestone.

1990s: Cyber ​​security goes mainstream

The 1990s marked the mainstream adoption of the Internet and its widespread accessibility. Polymorphic viruses, firewall technology, and heuristic detection methods emerged during this decade. Email has become a major attack vector, and Melissa’s virus has caused significant damage.

In 1993, Check Point CEO Gil Schweid introduced Firewall-1, the IT industry’s first state-of-the-art firewall technology. More than a quarter century later, Check Point’s breakthrough technology remains the gold standard for security Network.

The 2000s: The “Wild West” era of the Internet

The 2000s saw a significant increase in cyber threats, as professional cybercriminals took advantage of the rise of mobile and connected devices. Website infections, worms like ILOVEYOU and Code Red, and monetization of cybercrime through spam and spyware have become common. In addition, adware and CoolWebSearch targeted users with unwanted advertisements.

The 2010s: The era of ransomware and high-profile breaches

The 2010s were full of devastating and sophisticated cyber attacks. This ushered in the modern era of ransomware, as well as high-profile data breaches, IoT threats, and DDoS attacks that cost countries and businesses hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Some notable attacks include the Stuxnet worm, LulzSec hacks, and WannaCry infections.

last words

Overall, this article provides a comprehensive overview of the history of cybersecurity, highlighting key milestones and developments in each decade. He emphasizes the increasing sophistication of cyber threats and the need for innovative solutions to combat the evolving risks. Understanding the history of this field helps us navigate the ever-evolving world of cyber security and develop effective strategies to protect against emerging threats.

To read the white paper that provides full details on the history of cyber security, click Here. Finally, sign up for the newsletter for executive-level interviews, analysis, reports and more every week. Sign up Here.
