What is Employment Identity Theft?


Many Americans already know about identity theft, which occurs when someone takes your personal information, such as your address, credit card number and Social Security number, and makes fraudulent transactions on your behalf. But that’s not the only type of identity theft you might encounter. In fact, if you’re lucky, you could be a victim of occupational identity theft.

But what exactly is occupational identity theft, and how does it happen? And more importantly, how can you protect yourself from it? This guide will list the answers to these questions and more.

Explanation of occupational identity theft

Occupational identity theft, in a nutshell, is the use of a person’s personal information to apply for jobs and work. For example, an identity thief might scoop up the information from a person using a cyber attack or by stealing their Social Security number in some other way, then apply for and get a telecommuting job using that information. They make money under the identity theft victim’s name, then abandon the identity when they get what they want.

In other words, occupational identity theft is all Identity theft when the purpose of the theft is to use the victim’s ID for employment purposes. This contrasts with “regular” identity theft only because most regular identity theft occurs out of a desire to sell the victim’s information on the black market.

Is occupational identity theft illegal?

Yes. Employment identity theft is always illegal. After reporting, organizations such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Social Security Administration (SSA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will work with the victim to correct the record and alleviate any adverse effects the victim may experience.

Effects of occupational identity theft

Unfortunately, work-related identity theft can lead to a wide variety of negative effects, some of which are short-term and some of which can follow the victim for years.

For example, a victim of occupational identity theft may find that the thief used their information not only to obtain a job but also to open multiple lines of credit and purchase various bills. For months, the identity thief does not pay the credit or bills, resulting in damage to the victim’s credit score in the eyes of the three major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.

As another example, a victim of occupational identity theft may be terminated from his current job if his employer discovers that he has applied for or is working at competing jobs, even if it wasn’t actually him. The victim may have to explain the situation quickly and prove his innocence in order to keep his job, which can be very difficult to do.

No matter what, occupational identity theft always causes anxiety, major headaches, and long-term frustration as victims work to resolve the issue.

How does occupational identity theft occur?

This form of identity theft can occur in a variety of circumstances. Here are some examples.

The employer uses inaccurate credentials

One of the ways that occupational identity theft can happen involves an employer hiring someone with inaccurate or stolen credentials. They might interview an employee, find out they have a social security number, driver’s license number, and other key information, and hire them assuming they’re hiring the person they say they are. This can happen if they do not conduct a comprehensive background check, including checking bank account details and checking the applicant’s credit report.

However, later on, they determine that the credentials used were false or inaccurate in some way. When they go to investigate, the identity thief disappears or runs away, leaving the employer confused as to who they really hired and who they inadvertently hurt in the process.

Requests for job offers for a limited time

Many organizations and industries offer time-limited work opportunities for short-term work, usually at remote work sites and for periods of between three months and two years. Those with criminal records or other reasons not to apply for jobs with their real information may steal victims’ identities, then apply for limited-term job offers in the hope that their crimes will go unnoticed until the jobs are done.

Occupational identity theft by colleagues

In addition, victims may experience occupational identity theft because of their co-workers or colleagues. A jealous co-worker, for example, might voluntarily steal the information of a co-worker who received a promotion during a data breach, then sell the information on the dark web.

Alternatively, they may use a victim’s credentials to commit fraudulent or harmful acts in the workplace in hopes of framing the victim in some way. Such scenarios are not very common, but they can happen if you are not careful about who knows your personal information and who has access to central terminals/information in the workplace.

Ways to protect against occupational identity theft

Fortunately, employers and employees alike can protect against occupational identity theft by following several safe strategies.

Protection against identity card theft for employees

As an employee, there are many ways to keep your personally identifiable information safe, including:

· Always maintain the confidentiality of your personally identifiable information, especially your National Insurance number. Don’t give out your SSN in public and keep your Social Security card at home unless you need to take it with you

· Similarly, do not store any personal information on your work computer, including passwords, your personal email address, billing and credit card information, tax return information, and so on.

· Always be careful when using public Wi-Fi networks. If possible, use a VPN to mask your IP address

· Stay aware and avoid phishing scams. These are email-based cyberattacks that occur when someone uses email or text to trick you into providing financial or other personal information. These types of messages often appear to come from a legitimate source, but are really masking an attempt by a cybercriminal to get your personal information.

· Use cyber security software on your workplace console and home computers. Security software can prevent malware and other malicious software from being installed on your devices, keeping your personally identifiable information safe

· Try locking your Social Security number using E-Verify, a US government service that allows government services and employees to verify your identity and employment eligibility. E-Verify also allows you to lock your SSN, which prevents employers from hiring fraudulent job applicants

It’s always best to practice them before you become a victim of identity theft. While it is possible to reclaim your identity and recover from any credit damage or debt that may have been incurred in your name, it is a lot of work to do so, and you may not be able to fully recover.

Instead, practice these tips as soon as possible to keep your personal information secure at all times.

Protection against identity card theft for employers

If you’re an employer, you can take steps to protect your employees from occupational identity theft by following strategies like these:

· Training your employees to recognize cyber-attacks and identity fraud, such as phishing scams, through seminars and mandatory on-the-job training. It’s also good for your overall cyber hygiene, as it will help your business stay safe and secure from digital attacks

· Be sure to use a workplace firewall and implement other digital security best practices. Encrypt essential employee information and do not store employee information on any computer connected to the Internet

· Try to screen new employees and handle sensitive information correctly. For example, you should minimize the number of employees who have access to personal data of other employees. Always carefully screen new applicants by double-checking social security numbers and other information. That way, you won’t accidentally contribute to occupational identity theft or hire a fraudulent employee

· Offer your employees identity theft protection as one of your benefits. Theft protection services can help victims intervene quickly and alert them when their sensitive information appears somewhere online. Fraud alerts can also connect directly to government agencies to facilitate rapid response. These are great benefits for both your employees and you, as you’ll save money by not hiring fraudulent employees in the first place

Ultimately, combining and implementing these strategies will benefit your bottom line in more ways than one. You’ll instill more confidence in your employees, plus you’ll save money because you won’t hire bad employees and have to replace them with new ones sooner rather than later.

to wrap

Ultimately, occupational identity theft can happen to anyone. But by taking the right preventative measures, you can minimize the likelihood that you’ll ever experience it or have to deal with frustrating situations with the IRS and credit bureaus. Keep these tips in mind, and remember to keep your work ID information safe and secure at all times!
