What is PUP Malware and How Do You Remove It?


Feel like your computer just isn’t running as fast as usual? Or do you find your work apps flooded with weird ads? In these cases and more, your problems may not be a problem with your computer hardware. In fact, they may be due to so-called PUP malware or potentially unwanted programs.

Read on to learn more about PUP malware, potentially unwanted programs, and how to remove these pesky programs from your computer once and for all.

What is a potentially unwanted program (PUP)?

In short, a potentially unwanted program or “PUP” is software that you may not want, even if you may have (accidentally or unknowingly) agreed to download and install it.

For example, say you downloaded a new program recommended by a friend. You quickly click through the installation steps to run the program.

However, once you start using the program, you notice that another program, like a very slow, ad-infested browser, has also set up shop on your computer. Now, every time you try to access the internet, it’s through this weird browser, not Google Chrome! You may have accidentally installed this strange and slow browser by installing the other software.

Potentially unwanted software can include adware, spyware, and even malware. Most PUPs are packaged with specific programs and may share certain features, branding, or other elements. Depending on their goals, PUPs can be used to spy on people, collect data for corporations, or for other purposes.

Regardless, many PUPs negatively affect your computer’s performance, such as by slowing it down, taking the place of other programs or just being annoying in general.

Where do puppies come from?

Most puppies come from free software. For example, let’s say you find an online advertisement for some kind of free video conferencing software because you don’t want to pay for the full version of Zoom. You may think you are getting a great deal.

In reality, installing the free video conferencing software also installs a bunch of potentially unwanted programs. By installing the freeware, you’ve done exactly what the software creator wanted: you’ve given them a clear entry point into your PC, often to allow them to install malicious programs or collect data instead.

You can often tell if there is a PUP that is loaded on other software by carefully examining the installation process. If a download or installation box pops up, and there are several check boxes related to other software, the software may be trying to get you to download and install one or more PUPs as well.

Are Potentially Unwanted Programs Malware?

They can be, but not always. PUP as a term was coined by McAfee, the popular internet security company, because many marketing companies didn’t like their free software or products being called spyware or malware. Technically, all the information needed to obtain consent from users is provided in the installation windows of most free software products.

However, everyone knows that most people do not fully read the text of the installation or license agreement. Furthermore, some potentially unwanted programs tin Act a lot like malware, such as by slowing down your computer or being a virus delivery vehicle.

Symptoms of PUP malware

The symptoms of PUP malware can vary greatly. For example, many potentially unwanted programs run in the background of your PC, slowing it down by consuming RAM or CPU processing time. Because of this, you may notice that your computer runs slower or has trouble multitasking compared to before.

However, other PUPs may cause different symptoms, such as:

  • Ads pop up all the time, even when you’re not connected to the internet
  • Old programs are replaced with new programs, even without your parents’ consent or knowledge
  • Your data is collected and sold without your knowledge or consent

What do puppies do?

Many software packages are self-packaged with potentially unwanted programs because they do many different things at once instead of one big thing. Depending on the software and the purpose of its creator, a potentially unwanted program may:

  • Collect user information, such as your keystrokes, mouse cursor movements and browsing history
  • Use your computer’s resources for other purposes, such as mining bitcoins or cryptocurrencies
  • Advertise to you by displaying pop-ups in your browser. Some particularly malicious PUPs may even redirect your web search results or place ads on pages where there were no ads before

One common thread that most PUPs share is that they are difficult to remove. In fact, you may find a potentially desirable program almost impossible to install manually because the uninstall button may be hidden, the program may hide itself from your control panel, etc.

Types of PUPs

PUPs can take the form of many different types of software, such as:

  • Browser hijackers, which take over your web browser settings
  • Spyware, which steals sensitive data and tracks your behavior or use of the Internet
  • Advertising software, which uses pop-ups, banner ads and browser toolbars to deliver advertisements directly to your computer
  • Malware, which may do all of the above or other things, such as stealing computer resources
  • Trojan horses, which pretend to be other viruses and often disguise themselves as free software
  • Ransomware, which tries to get money from victims by taking over the home pages of the computer

Note that this malware can appear on all devices, from Apple Macs to Windows PCs to Android phones and even iPhones. All types of devices have cybersecurity vulnerabilities for potentially unwanted apps/PUAS, as this unwanted software requires users’ consent to install in the first place.

How to avoid living

The easiest way to avoid potentially unwanted software is to simply never download anything you’re not 100% sure is safe. If someone recommends a free program on the Internet, for example, don’t download it unless it has a good reputation and antivirus companies have given it a thumbs up.

However, you can also avoid puppies by following these methods:

  • Always read the fine print of the End User License Agreement or EULA. Such agreements may contain clauses or agreements regarding programs that may be undesirable. If you notice that the EULA once you agree to install certain programs, stop the installation process immediately
  • Download software only from trusted sites, preferably those with SSL certification. You can identify an SSL certificate by looking for the lock icon in the address bar
  • Select the custom installation option when installing software instead of a standard or default installation. It’s not as complicated or difficult as it seems, and it may allow you to manually choose which pieces of software to install (thus avoiding the PUPs)
  • Always use anti-malware or anti-virus software. Such security tools may raise a red flag if you are about to install malware or if a PUP may be installed on your computer. In addition, in any case it is good to have antivirus software running in the background to protect the computer from everyday viruses

How to remove PUPs

Say the worst happens and your computer gets some potentially unwanted programs despite your best efforts. You can still remove these programs, even if they make it difficult for you.

For starters, try using your antivirus software or a good anti-malware software. These security tools can detect and forcefully remove PUPs by scanning devices and deleting applications from scratch. PC Matic is consistently the highest rated antivirus and anti-malware software as rated by the official AV test.

You can also physically enter your list of programs by typing “add or remove programs” into your computer’s search bar. This should bring you to the Control Panel section where you can scroll through the list of programs running on your computer and choose to manually remove them.

Note that even after removing one or more PUPs, these programs may still pop up from time to time. They may require multiple removals to get rid of them completely. Like the worst viruses, it is best to avoid installing PUPs on your computer in the first place, as there is never a guarantee that you can remove them 100%.

Should you delete all PUP files?

No! If you simply go into your computer’s hard drive and manually delete the files for the PUP, you may break the program and make removal from your computer impossible with real certainty. Furthermore, the PUP in question may simply redownload some of its files from the creator the next time you connect to the Internet.

Instead, follow the PUP removal strategies described above or take your computer to a specialist if you need further assistance. In most cases, even the most powerful and sticky PUPs can be removed with an anti-malware tool.

to wrap

As you can see, PUP malware is something you can avoid if you are careful about what you download and where you surf the web. However, it is also important to know how to remove PUPs from time to time if your computer catches some like malware viruses. If you still need help removing PUPs, visit PC Matic and take advantage of our easy one-step malware removal. Stay alert and stay safe online!
