World Password Day and the importance of password integrity


Passwords have become a common way to access and manage our digital lives. Think about all the accounts you have with different providers. Password allows you to securely access your information, pay bills or connect with friends and family on various platforms. However, a password alone is not enough. Your password for each of your accounts should be hard to guess and unpredictable. Your passwords also need to be managed and protected. With World Password Day around the corner, it is important to take a moment and reflect on the importance of strengthening our digital hygiene starting with our passwords.

When it comes to creating a password, most of us rely on things we can remember. Date of birth, name of our favorite pet or sports team. While these options make it easier for us to remember our passwords, they also make it much simpler for a cyber criminal to reveal them. With all the information we are free Online sharing through our social media platforms, A cybercriminal can easily spend a very small amount of time researching habits, relationships and other elements in our lives to guess potential passwords and gain access to our information. This is why maintaining password integrity helps protect our online lives and reduces the risk of becoming a victim of identity theft or data loss.

What is password integrity?

Think about the foundation of a building. To prevent the building from collapsing in the future and causing severe damage, it must be built with certain principles in mind. Password integrity involves the same concept. Passwords are the foundation of our digital lives. If they are not secured or managed properly, we run the risk of falling victim to cybercriminals who are eager to access our personal data.

Expected passwords are problematic for several reasons. If your passwords follow the standard guidelines offered by most sites that require one uppercase letter, at least 6 art, numbers and one special character, hackers can easily make a series of attempts to try and gain access.

Without proper password integrity, personal information and business data may be at risk. The impacts on businesses and consumers are enormous. The average cost of information hacking in 2021 has risen to more $ 4 million, A 10% increase from 2020. For some small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), this means financial harm that could result in store closure. For consumers, dealing with identity theft can involve a world of headaches. From freezing credit cards and assets to contacting all the companies you communicate with on a regular basis, identity theft can be difficult and time consuming.

How to develop password integrity

The best way to prevent unauthorized access to your accounts is to protect and manage them. While avoiding duplicating passwords for multiple accounts and enabling 2-way verification can help, using Password Manager is another way to help manage all of your account passwords seamlessly.

included in Of Webroot The SecureAnywhere Internet Security Plus antivirus solution is access to LastPass®, a reliable and secure password management tool. Last pass Is the most trusted name in secure password management. It encrypts all your username, password and credit card information to keep you safe online. LastPass gives you access to a password safe to store and access all your passwords from any device.

Securing your digital life means protecting and managing your information. Using a reliable password management tool can help you effortlessly manage all of your passwords. As World Password Day approaches, take a step back and evaluate your digital hygiene starting from your passwords. As cybercriminals develop more sophisticated ways to steal our information or identity, maintaining our password integrity becomes key.

Discover Webroot’s antivirus solutions and learn more about LastPass.

Sabrina Lavie
