What are the Benefits of a Password Manager?


Passwords are essential when keeping your information safe on your devices. But unfortunately, many people use a weak or identical password, which makes it easy for hackers to crack them.

Studies show this 52% of people reuse passwords for multiple accounts. Fortunately, password managers can help by creating and securely storing strong passwords for various websites and apps.

Using a password manager can improve your online security and make password management easier. This blog discusses why passwords are important, how password managers work and what benefits they offer.

What is a password manager?

A password manager is a computer program or application that securely stores and organizes your passwords and other important information. It securely stores your passwords so you don’t have to remember them all.

You only need to remember one master password to access your password manager. Once you’re signed in, you can easily find and use your stored passwords or even create new strong and secure passwords.

How does a password manager work?

Password managers keep your online account login information safe in a locked and secret place called an encrypted database. To access this secret place, you only need to remember one key, which is your master password.

When you visit a site that requires a password, the password manager automatically enters your username and password. Because your login details are automatically populated, you don’t need to remember any of your passwords.

By using a password manager, you can protect your online accounts with strong and varied passwords without memorizing or writing down each password.

The benefits of a password manager

By using a password manager, you can reap various benefits. Below are some of the most common benefits you can expect to receive.

Defines security standards for logins

A password manager allows you to implement various security measures, such as requiring strong and long passwords with specific attributes. You can also use two-factor authentication for added protection and make sure your password manager is updated regularly to help prevent identity theft and minimize the risk of a hack.

Password access control

Multiple passwords must be managed for different accounts, which may be general or specific to user roles. With a password manager, you can create controlled access, and facilitate the management of certificates.

Password managers often include authentication systems to verify access and login activities.

Generates passwords

A password manager improves your account security by creating unique passwords. When you create a new account, the password manager will prompt you to create a new password instead of reusing your old one.

Using the password manager’s password, which includes long alphanumeric strings, makes it difficult for anyone to guess.

Offers secure storage

Password managers focus on improving your security. They create strong passwords and serve as a secure storage system that adds an extra layer of protection.

With encryption technology, only users with the master password can view saved passwords. So even if a password manager is hacked, hackers only see useless encrypted passwords that they can’t use to access your account.

Passwords are easy to access

Using a password manager makes logging into work applications simple and saves you the trouble of forgetting or losing passwords. No more wasted time trying to remember or retrieve passwords.

No need to worry about your memory

A password manager improves your cyber security and saves you from forgetting passwords. With a password manager, you can create strong passwords that include uppercase letters, symbols, long phrases, and punctuation.

As a result, you don’t have to worry about forgetting your passwords again.

Passwords are easy to update

Password managers simplify the process of resetting or changing passwords. If a site you’re signed up to is hacked, you can quickly create a new password using the built-in password generator.

With just one click of a button, password managers can reset your passwords, making it easy to change them after a certain period of time for maximum security.

Disadvantages of a password manager

While password managers can be helpful in many ways, there are also some drawbacks. Here are some potential drawbacks:

Single point of failure

If the password manager is hacked or the master password is compromised, all passwords become vulnerable.

Vulnerability to hacking

While password managers are generally secure, they are still vulnerable to hacking attacks that compromise your stored passwords.

device compatibility

Not all password managers are compatible with all devices, which may limit their usefulness for some users.


Many password managers offer free versions, but some of the more advanced features may require a paid subscription.

Who will benefit from a password manager?

A password manager is a digital tool that helps users create, store and manage their passwords securely. This is a great solution for anyone who wants to protect their online accounts and personal data from cyber threats.

Here are some specific examples of who would benefit from a password manager:

  1. People who want to help their online security by creating strong and unique passwords for each account.
  2. People who share passwords with family members, colleagues or friends want to securely manage their access to different accounts.
  3. Anyone who has had their password compromised wants to prevent it from happening again.

In short, a password manager is essential for anyone who wants to maintain their online privacy and security.

Should you use a free or paid password manager?

Choosing between a free or paid password manager depends on your needs and preferences. Free password managers are suitable for those with basic password management needs and on a tight budget.

They provide basic features like password generation and storage, but may have limitations in terms of the number of passwords you can store or the level of security they offer.

On the other hand, paid password managers offer more advanced features such as multi-factor authentication, data synchronization across multiple devices, and customer support. They usually have stronger encryption and security to protect passwords and personal information. Strong password management can come bundled with antivirus and VPN services.

What else can I do to keep my accounts and passwords safe?

In addition to using a password manager, there are several other steps you can take to keep your accounts and passwords safe:

  1. Use strong and unique passwords. A strong password includes a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters.
  2. Use two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security.
  3. Beware of phishing scams and double-check the sender’s email address or URL.
  4. Keep your computer software up to date with the latest security patches.
  5. Use a VPN when using public Wi-Fi to encrypt your internet traffic and help keep your data safe.

By taking these steps, you can help protect your online accounts and keep your passwords secure.

The Bottom Line

A password manager can help you keep your online accounts secure, organized and easy to manage. It stores all your login details in one place so you don’t have to remember them all.

To add an extra layer of protection to your personal information, you can use IdentityIQ’s identity theft protection services. IdentityIQ provides real-time alerts and $1 million in identity theft insurance underwritten by AIG if someone tries to use your personal information without your permission.
